Category: Transportation
The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous
Last year when traveling in Arizona I realized I was really close to this event called the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous, (RTR). Bob Wells, a blogger and vlogger put this gathering together. He did so in the spirit of the bi-annual mountain-man gatherings of old. The event is at Quartzite, AZ. It is on BLM land which is inexpensive or free to stay on depending on where you choose to set up.
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Ten RV Basics
RV Basics
There is a lot to the systems that make up even your most basic RV. It can all be a little overwhelming for the uninitiated. But relax, everyone has been new to this once. To help you along the links below and the graphic describe the basic systems of an RV. It does not matter if your rig is a multi-million dollar rolling palace, or a home made wooden camper for your Toyota truck, you will have a variant of these systems.Continue reading
How to Choose the Best Overnight Backpack
The first thing you need when hiking, regardless of whether you are going overnight, for a week or for a whole year, is a good backpack to carry your gear.
Overnight Backpacks come in two flavors; internally framed or externally framed. There are also ultralight backpacks that are used by experts and ultralight enthusiasts, but those are beyond the scope of this article. To learn how to choose the best overnight backpack and find the one that is just right for you, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of each type. Click on the graphic below to learn about the differences between backpacks. Continue reading
Road Tripping in Your Car
Lets face it, while Marriotts and Motel 6 can be luxurious. They are also homogeneous, expensive and cannot be found in many of the more interesting places to explore. Car camping, meaning to utilize your car as a base can save money and provide better access to many of the amazing places on this planet.
Best Tips for Picking a Hydration Pack
One of the best way to enjoy being active is to have plenty of water. So one of the best travel inventions of last century was the hydration pack. Designed to transport water and make drinking convenient and efficient. In fact, with most hydration packs, you don’t have to stop, or even slow down, to take a sip of water; you simply grab the drink tube that’s connected to the included water reservoir (called a bladder).Continue reading